
RFW tension

Hi, y'all!
As much as I hate to repost fashion journalist-slash-blogger creative articles, before reading mine, please have a look on IT. Read it?! Good! In my previous post I was accusing people in incompetence of their opinions. Looks like Agnesiga is a friend of that person and in order to restore the justice, she wrote an article. I must admit, that she did it well and asked real professionals of graphic design, what the think of RFW poster. However, could you expect a shitty article from an editor-in-chief?! I guess no! Also I'm amazed how much time she has invested in this article, imagine, translating all those comments...The fashion week hasn't even started yet, but look at this drama. I wonder what will happen when it will be on. If these people hate RFW that much, keep on telling that this event boring and meaningless, so why they keep on attending? Why they waste their time on something, what they think is  mediocre? I'm sure I know the answer, but lets wait till the fashion week and we'll have proofs. Yes, I might not be a journalist, but I'm certainly credible.

Stuff'n'Style is ready for the high drama.

Bitch-slap comment will be appreciated. Please, just have a confidence to introduce yourself.

Surely RFW poster is not a masterpiece, however I love the new logo - it's modern. I'm just wondering why Agnesiga didn't asked to evaluate more older posters, for example, this:


  1. haha. good one :D
    i love your poster much better. plastic girl freaks me out.. after watching it for too long, my sensitive brain are about to explode..

  2. Pity, my CS5 is fracked up. I wanted to do more funny one. Plastic mannequin is an odd choice, however it has attracted some attention.

  3. Well, i don't quite understand the fuss about all it, the posters are improving with every next event. OK, the logo group is fugly as fu*k, but they are in every poster. Keep in mind also, that the budget of this event probably is not as big as it should be to be able to keep logo group at bay somewhere down + also to hire a professional designer that would charge something about 500 Ls per poster.

    Coulnd't any of experts just help the event with making free of charge poster just to raise the latter? i guess no, but anyone is quick to burry it down with shitstorms :) well, as with anything in Latvia - it's better to sit around in a warm chair doing less-to-nothing and receiving less critique, than actually stand up and do something about anything, even if it's free of charge.

    it's a pitty, that people don't help other just for the sake of it to be cool and creative or whatever else...

  4. Well, when I first saw the poster, it was like "What the f*** is that?". I even had the same idea - to say my opinion out loud in public.
    It's not about loving or hating the event. Everybody who cares about this certainly supports fashion in Latvia and Latvian fashion designers, otherwise people just wouldn't waste their time reading, writing, commenting on this. It's not even about critising the people, who have created the style of the poster/logo (call it whatever). Every person, who works in this country in the field of fashion and design, wants the it to be represented at its best.

    When the poster s***, as it is in this case, it's allowed to say argumented criticism. Because this event unifies Latvian fashion industry and every person who takes part in this even should, feel proud to be a part of Latvian design and culture.. If it is not so, than it's a shame...

    Please, reconsider, what people are saying, and don't feel affronted, just keep in mind that this is not one fashion bloggers opinion.


  5. Šī, citēju - drama, nav nekāda drama. Bez veselīgas kritikas un viedokļu uzklausīšanas nav iespējams strādāt pie kvalitātes uzlabošanas. Neredzu iemeslu, kāpēc visu, ko mums piedāvā, būtu jāpieņem ar sajūsmu. Savukārt, neapmierinātība un negatīvas atsauksmes vairākuma gadījumos ir tieši no to indivīdu puses, kas nemaz nav apmeklējuši šo pasākumu. Tāpēc, rīkot šeit debates un piesaistīt sev uzmanību ar bravūrīgiem izteicieniem - nav gaumīgi.
    Vēl, manuprāt, tiek jauktas 2 atšķirīgas lietas - vizuālais risinājums un attieksme pret RFW kā nozīmīgu pasākumu. Kā jau iepriekš rakstīja Laura - It's not about loving or hating the event.

  6. To Anonymous
    I totally agree and you've got a point. People shall help. I admire Mrs Strahova for what she does, sure we can argue and question how some things are being done, but the truth is simple - it takes balls to run this event.
    I don't what to swagger, but we, SnS, are not indifferent and we do help RFW sometimes (not with posters)
    To Laura
    I didn't get your point, sorry! Why shall I be affronted? And why I have to reconsider what I'm saying?
    To FL
    Es jau ne pirmo gadu esmu iesaistits LV modes industrija un zinu kada cilvekiem ir atieksme pret RFW un dirsot uz vizualo risinajumu vini dirs uz RFW. Par uzmanibu un gaumi, ludzu paskaidro sikak.

  7. all those haters just could not waste their creepy lip sticks and cab expenses.

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