I`v been posting about super-cool-worth-attending-and-not-regretting-afterwards party at Salt`n`Pepper. So last Saturday there was "The Lost Disco" party with Djs Dmi3 and Discomethod who have performed absolutely joyful music fro 70`s and 80`s with a New Age twist. Little teaser here:
I suggest y`all to come at Salt`n`Pepper to celebrate New Year Eve on 31st Dec or next day, on 1st Jan for those who will need some hangover recovery. BTW drinks are really affordable.
As I was posting earlier I had a plan to visit ЯRMARKA, an even organized by Latvia College of Arts during Christmas time, where students are selling their creations. Some pieces were really masterpiece-ish. So if you still don't have any x-mas presents, you may find them there. To the truth, I`m deliberately posting that photos now, because I wanted to make sure, that i`ll get some of this before y`all, sorry ^_^. They are made out of porcelain and are really unique and atypically designed. Here are the pictures!!!
And here's some extra info: http://www.jarmarka.org/2009/
Also last Friday I was on Avatar, the movie by James Cameron. If you haven`t seen it yet, I'm telling you it`s a MUST. So I`v got really inspired by that film and sets and backgrounds and graphics and script and play and etc. So actually this film made my X-mas tree's design.
And finally, just to tease you more - I know where and when RFW is going to take place!!! Also there are some other great news, but everything in it's own time.
Dear follower, I`ll be glad to receive and post your Christmas trees!
one shouldn´t tell you a thing!!!! :)))) D