
OAVF vol 4/Tinto

Hi, y'all!
This week end was stuffed with fashion events - who could predict that?! Girl and Boy were busy this Monday, so sorry for not informing in on time what's and where's and how's :D However here is just a tiny video from event where we went after Open Air Vintage Festival vol. 4 organised by fashion journalist/blogger Agnese Kleina, who did it just fine already for the 4th time! Regardless the content, it's really hard to organise such kind of events. HOWEVER there was a shop girl/bitch (can't remember her name, but I;m gonna find it out) which made us to delete pictures of her dresses. I mean c`mon! When you participate in public events you expect to be photographed

Whatever, the good news are that I'm going on vacation for 4 weeks, which 3 of them I'm gonna spend in a countryside participating as a member of jury aka resident bitch (of course) in a reality show which is going to be something between American Next Top Model and Survivor. Great, isn't it?! I won't tell you more today, buuuut follow S'n'S for hot and juicy report from there!
Stay tuned, and we'll try to make you the first one to know
BTW chek my new blog about body grooming and making myself handsome http://expodaily.blogspot.com/. This will be more interesting for guys who want to be in a good shape and groomed body :D