
Girl's ImpreŠons Sky&More

Everything is so fake - was my one and only thought after attending Sky&More event. The show started just fine, I would say even impressive - Lord Gaga/Superstārīgs beibītis dancing around the stage, Matrix inspired mountain climber guys coming down from the ceilings and even giant shiny bird DJ Ella performing was acceptable. But when it came to fashion show then my only thought was "Are you kidding me? Is this serious?" I would say first 2 or 3 looks were acceptable and interesting - and made some fashion show impression (magnetic eyed Māra was awesome as always) but then the real "party" started... I think Boy will explain this much more accurately (as I'm almost asleep) but I was laughing and crying whole time about our so called celebrities-bombshells... C'mon! Half-naked catwalk doesn't do a good PR for you! BELIEVE ME. YOU DON'T NEED SUCH AN ATTENTION! Leave it to professional models.
DJ ELLA TRIBUTE she is fierce 
Poll: Lord Gaga or a She-male?
DJ ELLA is scary and literally lethal - chain saw, seriously?
  It's getting more and more scary 
Stils Bez Tabu crew
They did everything, but outfit 
Māra we just love her!
ELLI U and a TV face. This is already a cat walk 
extravaganza is getting more ridiculous 
Let`s party
Stretch that candy, Candy!
Vad är det?

Miks Ozoliņš a la Pimp
But for sure Sky&More was the place to be for our creative-yellow-journalists/paparazzi. I'm just wondering what stories they will make up this time :D ohhh I guess fake people creates or at least gives a reason to create some fake stories.

Btw sex doesn't sell anymore!


  1. totally agree! tādēļ es savā blogā pat nemēģināju runāt par modi. jo tā tur gluži vienkārši izpalika.

    laikam jau mūsu publika ir tik dumja, ka tik zvaigznes spēj sildīt mūsu sirdis. vai vismaz citi tā domā.

    re, jāpriecājas, ka nācās prom mukt un nepaspēju tapt nokaitināta :)

    p.s. heh, Ellas foto ir ģeniāls

  2. Anii, man FB ir vairak ELLAs bildes - bet es laikam kolazu uztaisisu.... ahahhahahahahahaah

  3. event looks really bad.

  4. ...fake people creates or at least gives a reason to create some fake stories...

    Ellas kolāža - EVIL EVIL Boy :D

  5. Annonymous well it was still fun!
    Alyona, reload this post - Ellas kolāža ir done!

  6. сразу видно, что Дэмиен на них больше не работает.

  7. tik tiiiiik laba reportāža!!! thnx par pozitīvo C vitamīna devu! :))))

  8. :D Girl laikam bija loti iedvesmota :D
    Es vienkarsi nevaru apstaties smeties, kolaza ir superiga es laikam to telefona sev ka wallpaper ieliksu :D

  9. Элла в новом имидже ужасно фальшивая. А про мероприятие у меня такая мысль: наверное, они предложили всем этим "звездам" нахаляву отдеться в их собственном аутлете TheO - те по бартеру и высступили. Сомневаюсь, что они платили столько гонораров. Хотя моментами было прикольно.
