
Our Followers

Good bloody afternoon!
The weather is bloody crazy and I'm bllody sick (literaly - I cought a flue) and tired of this climacteric changing from faint to show, from snow to hail. I mean please - May is just around the croner, but according to foreca it's 5 C outside. 
This post we`ll devote to y'all, our followers. When I`m down, a though about you cheers me up. I was walking donw the street lately, and one guy came to me and asked if I am the Boy from S'n'S, ofcourse I replied that I am, and he said that he likes our blog and follows it all the time. Pity, I cannot recall his name (hey, if you are reading this, please comment bellow.) We are really happy that there is somebody, who actually reads our posts and there are few who, comment! This is really valuable. Besides, there are certain followers, who inspires us. So please, if you have some requests - comment bellow.
Ou followers loves shoes too
M and DJ Kamikaza. Both tall and fit, why there were not on a cat walk?!
model Dāvis Sakne is litteraly knoked out by our posts
Elīne Dobele, bradn ZOFA designer also follows us. She is a one great girl - very positive! 
Two handsome boys N and J. Sometimes I think, that our followers are more stylish than me :D
This Swedish looking Latvian guy might also follow us 
Model and stylish girl Andra Adamoviča

Have a nice week end! I'm off to a bloody university :D
P.S. Now it's sunny, all of the sudden :D


  1. Hey you guys,

    It was really nice to meet you! You helped me a lot!

    One correctio... Max mara? I was crazy... Mara Mac!

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    Thank you again!

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